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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
95 CentrED Feature Assigned Normal Enhanced password management Andreas Schneider 11/20/2013 06:45 PM Actions
84 CentrED Feature Assigned Normal Sortable lists in the main view Andreas Schneider 01/14/2012 06:29 PM Actions
83 CentrED Bug Assigned Normal Restricted regions aren't correctly checked Andreas Schneider 01/14/2012 06:29 PM Actions
62 CentrED Feature Assigned Normal Additional possibilities to add tile to the filter Andreas Schneider 01/14/2012 06:29 PM Actions
60 CentrED Bug Assigned Normal Wrong light source colors Andreas Schneider 01/14/2012 06:29 PM Actions
80 CentrED Feature Assigned Normal Show usage of regions in the region overview Andreas Schneider 04/03/2011 11:45 AM Actions
61 CentrED Bug New Normal DLL failure when starting the 0.6.1 client Andreas Schneider 12/26/2009 04:09 PM Actions
48 CentrED Bug New Normal Mouse movement is a bit quirky Andreas Schneider 12/23/2009 01:40 AM Actions
1 CentrED Feature New Normal Snapshots Andreas Schneider 12/19/2009 01:48 AM Actions
35 CentrED Feature New Normal Id Replace Andreas Schneider 10/06/2009 09:17 PM Actions
22 CentrED Feature New Normal item.wsc's ermöglichen Andreas Schneider 08/30/2009 12:14 PM Actions
4 CentrED Feature New Normal Exporting an area of the map Andreas Schneider 08/13/2009 05:15 PM Actions
93 CentrED Bug Feedback Low cedserver on OpenSuse segmentation fault Andreas Schneider 11/20/2013 06:48 PM Actions
25 CentrED Bug Feedback Low No UTF8 support in the chat window Andreas Schneider 12/11/2009 01:51 AM Actions

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